
Journal papers

  1. Ocean Eng.
    Ch E. Papoutsellis, Y-M. Scolan, and R Hascoët (2024), Capsize criteria in beam seas: Melnikov analysis vs. safe basin erosion
    Ocean Engineering 306 118024
  2. Ch E. Papoutsellis, M J. Mercier, and N Grisouard (2023), Internal tide generation from non-uniform barotropic body forcing
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 964 A20
  3. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.
    P. Henry, M. S. Özeren, N. Yakupoğlu, Z. Çakir, and 10 more authors (2022), Mass flows, turbidity currents and other hydrodynamic consequences of small and moderate earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (12) 3939–3956
  4. G. A Athanassoulis, C Mavroeidis, P Koutsogiannakis, and Ch. E Papoutsellis (2019), A numerical study of the run-up and the force exerted on a vertical wall by a solitary wave propagating over two tandem trenches
    Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 5 311-331
  5. J. Eng. Math.
    T. Papathanasiou, Ch. E Papoutsellis, and G. A Athanassoulis (2019), Semi-explicit solutions to the water-wave dispersion relation and their role in the non-linear Hamiltonian coupled-mode theory
    Journal of Engineering Mathematics 114 87–114
  6. B. Simon, Ch. Papoutsellis, M. Benoit, and M. L. Yates (2019), Comparing methods of modeling depth-induced breaking of irregular waves with a fully nonlinear potential flow approach
    Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 5 365-383
  7. Ch. Papoutsellis, M. L. Yates, B. Simon, and M. Benoit (2019), Modelling of depth-induced wave breaking in a fully nonlinear free-surface potential flow model
    Coastal Engineering 154 103579
  8. Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids
    Ch. Papoutsellis, A. Charalampopoulos, and G. Athanassoulis (2018), Implementation of a fully nonlinear Hamiltonian Coupled-Mode Theory, and application to solitary wave problems over bathymetry
    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 72 199-224
  9. G. Athanassoulis, K. Belibassakis, and Ch. Papoutsellis (2017), An exact Hamiltonian coupled-mode system with application to extreme design waves over variable bathymetry
    Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 3 373-383
  10. Proc. R. Soc. A
    G. Athanassoulis, and Ch. Papoutsellis (2017), Exact semi-separation of variables in waveguides with non-planar boundaries
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 473 (2201) 20170017
  11. Procedia Comput. Sci.
    Ch E. Papoutsellis (2015), Numerical Simulation of Non-linear Water Waves over Variable Bathymetry
    Procedia Computer Science 66 174-183


Peer reviewed conference proceedings

  1. Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis, and Christos E. Papoutsellis (2015), Nonlinear irrotational water waves over variable bathymetry. The Hamiltonian approach with a new efficient representation of the dirichlet to neumann operator In 2015 Days on Diffraction (DD) 1-7
  2. G. Athanassoulis, and Ch. Papoutsellis (2015), New Form of the Hamiltonian Equations for the Nonlinear Water-Wave Problem, Based on a New Representation of the DTN Operator, and Some Applications In International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 7: Ocean Engineering 1-7
  3. Christos E. Papoutsellis, Marissa L. Yates, Bruno Simon, and Michel Benoit (2018), FULLY NONLINEAR MODELING OF NEARSHORE WAVE PROPAGATION INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF WAVE BREAKING In Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1 (36) waves.78
  4. B. Simon, Ch. Papoutsellis, M. Benoit, and M. L. Yates (2018), Modeling of depth-induced wave breaking in a simulation code for nonlinear and dispersive waves in the coastal zone In 16emes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, November 27 - 29, 2018, Marseille, France
  5. Ch. Papoutsellis (2022), A new high-order shallow water model with canonical Hamiltonian structure In 18emes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, November 27 - 29, 2018, Marseille, France
  6. Ch. Papoutsellis, and Y-M. Scolan (2022), Assessment of the Melnikov method for the ship roll problem In 18emes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, November 27 - 29, 2018, Marseille, France

PhD Thesis